Complete Step 8: Automated Actions
Follow these steps to complete step 8: Automated Actions.
To complete step 8:
- Related Topics:
- Scenarios for “Action to Perform”
The Automated Actions feature is designed to help your organization automate several tasks in the application. - Scenario: Candidate Status Change Field Set to Declined
The drop-down list for Primary Rejection Reason displays. - Scenario: Change Status Change Field Set to Job Seeker Screens Out
If the Action to Perform field is set to Send Letter, a Letter to Send column displays. - Scenario: Candidate Status Change Field Set to Job Seeker Screens Out and Change Status Field Set to Declined
The drop-down list for Primary Rejection Reason displays. - Scenario: Action Pending Completion Field Set to Unclaimed Interview
In the the Action to Perform field, select Send Notification.
Parent Topic: Step 8: Automated Actions